
Deserved Leader!

Like a never-ending story, This story has a skeptical beginning...........!!

Probably, All these started during the reigns of King Hrishikesh.

In many cultures, the right to rule was considered part of the king's blood. King Hrishikesh did not have the monarchy freely as he was not a Prince nor belonged to any royal family.

His childhood was full of struggle. While he was able to understand  & recognize his people's faces, he lost his father at a very early age!

Rebati, the Mother of Hrishikesh was working in the king's garden for their survival. He could get entry to the king's royal garden with his mother. 

During the King's Rule, Teachers (Acharyas) were there to train future successors. To make them educated and skilled in all trades. From cultivation to top-level management, From All kinds of fighting skills to Spirituality, From horse riding to Cart driving. Every value-added life-learning lesson was there in the education system.  

As education was confined to royal families only, his interest in learning from a royal teacher remained with him like a wish.

To create a strong army, the King invited countrymen to join the Army. 

At a very young age, he dedicatedly joined the king's army as a soldier. 

He learned and developed his fighting skills during the pre-training period. 

The passion for learning was in his blood since childhood, his dedication to the country and his love for learning, made him unique and visible among all.

In a battle, the commander-in-chief and other Lead fighters died, the King Devaraya was badly defeated but fortunately saved by Hrishikesh. At the age of 21, he was appointed as the commander of the king's army.

After the death of King Devaraya, he was chosen by the King's court as the Next Successor for his dedication to saving the king, War Skills, Confidence, Empathy, and Accountability.

Questions might arise in your mind, Whether the king had no successor?

No, The late prince had 8 Sons & 2 Daughters but they did not possess qualities that a king/ Successor should have. To save the Country from the drowning state, the King and King's court announced Hrishikesh as the Next King.

King Hrishikesh got married to the younger daughter of the Late King, Devaraya Monika

He did not sit back hereafter becoming a king. he regained/conquered the lost states/territories. Along with increasing the territory, he made many development activities for the welfare of the people. His love for the country and its people made him an ideal emperor.

I forgot to mention that Mrs. Rebati (the mother of King Hrishikesh) died in an epidemic while Hrishikesh was in the king's army. 

King Hrishikesh was blessed with 2 sons & 1 Daughter. He raised them with all the love and values.

When they were in their teen, He sent them to Takshashila (Takshashila was one of the top institutions during that era) for better education from the world's best teachers along with other Princes from different countries.

While princes were about to cross the teenage, they were asked to join the state as King Hrishikesh was in bed due to an unknown disease.

Though Princes were trained by the best trainers, They could not relate to their countrymen, real-life struggles, and problems, and they were not able to tackle hurdles. 

They never had the experience of ruling a kingdom, It was quite difficult for them to manage such a huge territory and keep it safe from the invaders. In such a bad situation, They were missing the support of King Hrishikesh as they lost their father before making them able to understand the politics, Legacy, policies, & cooperation with ministers and department leaders.

King Hrishikesh left the living cosmos due to an unknown disease after which the cold war for the Throne began. 

Race began among Neighbour kings and Army Commanders in Chief along with Two Princes.

At last Prince Bhairon (Elder Son) got the Throne as an inheritance with the support of his prime minister. He was adopted by his father's security force as his personal security and soon got accepted by the administrative body as the King. 

He decided to put his greedy brothers and their supporters in custody.

It was the time when Colonialism had started.

(Colonialism is the practice of one country taking full or partial political control of another country and occupying it with settlers for purposes of profiting from its resources and economy.)

Here, The primary purpose of this system was to smoothly run the large areas by dividing them into different sectors/colonies with the aim of economic dominance.

The next phase of the Story Begins Here......

Since the country was colonized, King Bhairon appointed rulers considering their skills and abilities. New rulers were responsible for smoothly running their territories and reporting to the king. 

To support new rulers, King Bhairon sent some of his faithful Administrators & skilled forces to different regions. 

Chakiya was one of the territories under the rule of King Bhairon. It was the largest territory by land area but was untouched and unreachable. 

It was in such a geographical location of the country from where It would play a key role in the development of the whole country. On priority, King Bhairon, deployed his best troops & Builders to upgrade that remote area. 

TO BE CONTINUED.......!!!!

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